3 Little Words - Visitor's Story
by Der Geist
(Salt Lake City, UT, USA)
He sat alone one evening thinking about his life and where it all went wrong, he had divorced years earlier and lost his baby in court. He wondered why everything in his life seemed to be falling apart, his whole life he tried to do the right thing and be decent to everyone. Yet everything he tried never worked out for him, he just kept getting deeper and deeper into that painful, lonely abyss of depression, his life seemed so useless, a big nothing.
He was now living with a girl friend and it just didn’t seem to be working, she made him feel as if he wasn’t good enough for anything, and now he had nowhere else to turn. His desperation became so overwhelming that he thought it would all be better if he were dead. He thought he had nothing left to lose or to live for, so he decided to end his life, he gathered up all of his prescriptions knowing full well that they would do the trick, he decided now it was time to go.
As he sat there with a drink in one hand and all his pills in the other, his eyes filled with tears, heart was breaking, knowing nobody wanted him, so he pleaded to God for help one last time, but nothing, just silence, he was searching for any reason not to do it, but he found none. He tried to think of something positive to cheer him up and found nothing so he took a drink and prepared for his last meal of pills, then his phone beeped, he had a text message, with 3 little words, "R U ok?"
He wiped his eyes to see, looking at the phone for a moment then answered aloud, “Sure, I’ll be fine soon”. Then he read again, "R U ok?"
He then put down the pills to text back to the sender, and after a while of talking he felt this warmth growing in his chest he knew he had a friend who cared. She asked what was wrong. They chatted for a while and said goodbye.
He thought “wow” what a coincidence that she would contact him at that moment or was it something more? One may be surprised to find when your prayers seem to go unanswered, that God is listening and sends you an Angel just when you need one. He found his Angel texting him on the phone. He doesn’t care why or how but he is alive today because of those 3 little words from a friend, "R U ok?" He was so close to the end, and he thought no one cared or would even notice if he were gone. She had done something that night that changed his life.
Take the time to tell others what they mean to you, because you never really know. I know firsthand how it feels to be that close to the end, because he is me. And now here are my 3 little words, "Thank You Rufina." Thanks for being my friend and asking those 3 very little life saving words, you are my Angel.