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Amazing Grace - Visitor's Poem

by Randy Holland
(Sulphur, Ok, USA)

Amazing Grace

My Grace,

Can't be beguiled,

Thur life's times,

Test and trials!

She's an Angel "you see,

Predestined to be "within me,

Forever, for eternity!

Like a lion roaring out of control,

She's in my spirit,

She's in my soul!

Like an eagle screeching,

With a mighty yell,

Like a crosswind blowing,

Thur the gates of Hell!

Like an Angel Of Mercy,

Sent to conceive,

The love and trust,

I'm just to receive!

An Angel Of Mercy,

Care of the latter times,

To rock my spirit,

And free my mind!

An Angel Of Mercy,

You got to believe,

Thur the Spirit,

To conceive!

To free my soul,

From the Ways Of The World,

Rock my spirit,

Rock that Girl!

Like electric euphoria,

On a brilliant high,

To lift my spirit,

To touch the sky!

Like a hurricane warning,

Up in your face,

Like a whirlwind blowing,

She's "Amazing Grace"!

The End!

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