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Compass in the Wilderness

by Mary Pagdati
(Nicosia, CYPRUS)

I searched and searched the world around
In hope of faith and meaning;
Beyond closed doors and busy streets
Along smoky alleys I sat weeping.

Paths mercilessly entwined
Mere shadows in the wilderness;
And upped he came, eyes of a hawk
Enticing smiles and covertness.

Words of promise, all disowned
A liar and a thief, his prey he purposed me to be;
Beauty, charm and poise, too many to recall
Falling stars amidst the abyss of eternity.

O Hear my cry, My Lord
Hide not Thy face from me this day;
For I am weak and shattered
No map, no compass, I’ve gone astray.

And life took on a new beginning
The shining light of Grace;
And to my dreams He brought true meaning
Peacefully in my heart it took its place.

He showered me with His Holy Spirit
To overcome my enemies, strong;
And in good faith to endure all things
Knowing to Whom I will always belong.

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