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by Miles Patrick Yohnke



Warning: This story may raise your blood pressure.

I can't accept the word "content". To be content is like death. If I had accepted content (complacency), you wouldn't be reading this story. For I had a learning disorder, and could barely read and write. At the age of five, I faced a tragic event. My father was killed in a potash mine accident. By the age of thirteen, I had been kicked, beaten, and robbed of my self-esteem. I was bullied mercilessly thru elementary school.

If I were content, if I had listened to people all round me, I would not have had this life I have now. I'd be like most. Working some job (where I could simply be replaced by another), having some possessions, and then die. Perhaps a wife and some kids. But what would I really instill into them? The same lifestyle? The lifestyle of content. It is a dead lifestyle.

Reading many of the articles written on Mother Theresa, I concluded that she was happy at times, and at other times she wasn't happy. Perhaps she never thought she was making a difference. She fought depression. But the particular type of depression she fought, I believe, is a great depression. One where you are fighting so much for the truth. Fighting for the rights of all mankind.

Content is an excuse to living. Content is an excuse to growing. Content is all around us.

And speaking of content, Toby Mildon sure wasn't content when he was born. You should read his story. About his life and being born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). How he became more. SMA is a neuromuscular condition that affects his overall body strength and prevents him from walking. He needs around the clock care. However, despite spending his whole life in a wheelchair, it hasn't stopped him from leading an active and fulfilling life.

Today, Toby works for the BBC in London. He also has his own practice that helps media professionals achieve their wildest dreams, live a life less ordinary, and focus on "bettering their best" by way of continuous improvement. He has published a book called Mediapreneurs: How to have a business and a life. Google search his name to find out more about this remarkable man and his life.

He could have been content. Content with what God gave him. Accepted that his life is what "he" wanted him to lead. Toby, though, really understood God's message. It simply is a challenge. Toby has taken and met that challenge head on.

This is living. One thing I learned from my Dad's passing (he was 39) is that tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.

We are all going to die. But are we truly going to live? Do we simply want to grow old and never really have done anything with our life? Our gift of life? Just exist and be content?

As a writer, I receive a truckload of letters from once strong, independent career women who were forging out their own paths. Sadly, at some point, they got worn down. Most ended up marrying well-off men. Had children. Became content.

I guess that's why we see such an influx of mindless reality t.v. shows that become so popular. For example, the "Housewives of Beverly Hills, Miami, and New York."

We don't have another life hidden in a safety deposit box. This one life is it. One has to develop and enrich their own soul, and in return, deposit that into the souls of others. This is the real treasure trove of life.

Not to sleep walk through life, like in an outpatient program. It is to live a life without limits. And if one pushes and challenges, perhaps, then and only then, can one be content.

About the Author
Globally recognized and award-nominated engineer, producer, writer, poet and founder and C.E.O. of 5 Star Productions, Miles Patrick Yohnke brings many years of experience to the music industry; including many awards in sales and marketing. If you are looking at developing your career, Yohnke offers consulting in person, by phone or via email. For more info, please contact him directly at: 306.227.6379 or email at miles(at)5-starproductions.com.

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Performing without a Net

Occupy Yourself

Think, Rethink, Challenge Yourself

Olympic Sized Pity Pool


For Those About to Bike (We Salute You)


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Mar 09, 2012
WHO AM I (For Miles Patrick Yohnke)
by: Mike Murphy

I am the person kicked when down,
that sand in my face is fresh,
like yesterday it is with me,
moving on still trying to heal the flesh,

sure I put on a good face,
to hide all of my pain,
but I seek to help others,
self indulgence is not my game,

I reach out with hand in air,
to teach not self gratify,
to spare another in some small way,
some torment as has I,

I ask not for any praise,
only acceptance of my life,
I do for others to feel better myself,
giving is not a sacrifice,

it keeps me strong and going on,
for others to learn is my reward,
if I can help another on this journey,
to mend what for me has somewhat scarred,

who am I I sometimes ask,
to me I remember well,
maybe some will try to forget,
for me it's living hell,

but I battle on too strong to quit,
for a loser am not I,
and when I get that sand again,
I can only ask myself why,

I have not lost my way,
for this I am grateful to realize,
but it saddens me for all I'm worth,
when a friend has gone astray,

who am I, well I am you,
and you are simply I,
we all are just really one,
together or apart but trying to survive.

Mar 09, 2012
The Journey of a Thousand "Miles"
by: Adrienne Whitner

Details of the past, painful, gory
But out of this muck arose a story
Of beauty, of hope, a tale of glory

Much too soon, his father taken
Abused by an education system that left him forsaken
But from this darkness, a light in his soul would one day awaken

A learning disability made it almost impossible to write and to read
this struggle, the wrapped gift, he would later unwrap, for the millions of
souls he would feed,
Corporate executives he would lead
Warnings to deliver, take heed,
Stop the corruption, the excess, the deceit, the greed

Bullied and beaten, badly mistreated
But Spirit rose up in him and said, We will not be defeated

Low self esteem, battered and broken
By hideous words, spoken and unspoken

Blessed with a courageous, strong mother
Tragically losing her husband
Still kept her family together

She raised young Miles to see
A world of infinite possibility

She raised her son to be a fighter
Instead of fist, words, now a world renowned writer

To spread peace on earth, goodwill to men, a message of light and hope
from nation to nation

For Miles Patrick Yohnke

Feb 24, 2012
by: Carmela McCutchen

Hi Miles,

Thank you! This story seems to come at the right time when I need some more sunshine in my day.

Carmela McCutchen

Feb 24, 2012
Am I content?
by: Claudia

This piece is awesome as are you for putting this pick-me-up, real words out there for those ready to live fulfilling lives... And ready to no longer just exist. Thank you for enriching YOUR soul and depositing that goodness in this one! Keep rocking always!

Feb 24, 2012
by: Manisha

Hi Miles:

It's just boosted me up again, left me with a desire to achieve more and prove myself, there are millions who have problems like mine but I've now known is to face the challenges and rise above all. I won't be content until I LIVE.
Thank you tons... for uploading CONTENT.

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