Everyday it's somebody's birthday Everyday somebody dies Everyday there's a war going on 24/7 non-stop Everyday there's a family falling apart Everyday there's a girl/lady being raped by a man/boy Everyday all people around the world is doing drugs/alcohol Everyday someone commits suicide Everyday somebody finds a dead body lying on the ground/floor/underneath something etc Everyday everybody regrets something they shouldn't of done including me Everyday somebody gives birth Everyday gang members kill/murder friends/family/kids etc Everyday everybody all over the world leaves evidences everywhere and there including me Everyday everyone all around the world including me aren't really telling the truth of something important that someone needs Everyday somebody's in a accident Everyday somebody's in the ER Everyday somebody's kid in the world is set put into foster care Everyday somebody is put in jail/juvie Everyday somebody steals from family, friends, public places etc Everyday somebody/family is missing and can't be found Everyday everyone, something good/bad happens to everyone all over the world for a good/bad/cost/reason etc Everyday everyone including me learns from our mistake and tries to go to the next step of our life. Everyday most/even/half/more/often people are being haunted by demons/devil/spirits etc
Life is all about making mistakes and learning from it. Having a life is a purpose for God. Everyone including me isn't perfect at anything at all. No wonder why life gets harder and harder for each and everyone of us can't stand how or what kind of life we have or how it's supposed to be like or what were supposed to do in order to do the right things in a better way than doing it wrong all the time. But LIFE is all about living for what's best for us to have less drama/whatever etc.
I love this poem. It makes the reader really think about what is going on around us every day. It also makes the lucky ones appreciate their lives and want to help others. Thank you.
May 31, 2010
Everyday by: Anonymous
A truly awesome poem. it means a lot from everyday life.