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Fear of Death

by Maria
(California, USA)

For the first time in my life
I am fearful of something,
I am scared of not living
enough years to love the way
I've been loving life,
loving my three boys and
my wonderful husband.

I am scared to find out
that I may have breast cancer
and that due to that illness
my life can be cut short in the
many years, days, hours, and minutes
that I've hoped to enjoy with my loved ones,
my family, my friends, and my boys.

I love being a mother to my boys.
I love being a sister, wife, friend,
daughter and aunt.
I am scared but today
I realized l can dwell live in fear
or live the short or long life
god has planned for me.

I have chosen to live lovingly
and nurturing myself with love.
I love living life, love nurturing,
and raising my boys not being
afraid of anything or anyone.
To love, respect, and enjoy life
without fear of death.

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