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God's Gift

by Pearl Chris
(Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India)

Do I believe in Valentine's Day or is it just another hectic day?
Then why do I think of you and feel so down and blue today?
Feeling poignantly empty, miss your gruff, but loving voice.
Thinking of how we have come this far and thank God I made the right choice.

You are the best, a real man, giving your best with all you can.
The day our eyes first met until this day can I never forget.
You stole my heart and made me yours, and then on it's just pure repose.
Stood by me through each thing, my pillar of strength, every joy you bring.

Together we received an inheritance from the Lord, our son, who completed our three-fold cord.
He came and turned our life so sweet, forever becoming our heartbeat.
Before I never had a clue, that wonders can be true.
But now deep in my soul, I know I have the rest until I am old.

Off to Virginia you went to pursue the American dream.
We both miss you so much we just want to scream.
I would like to take a moment to bless and praise the Lord.
For bringing into my life my love and my husband who I have no more words.

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