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Have You Lived Enough? - Visitor's Poem

by Gia Guru Nayak
(Gloucestershire, UK)

Have you lived enough? Enough to say you lived your life to the fullest.

Do you appreciate the fact that you are blessed with everything you always wanted?

Do you appreciate the fact that you are born with all the senses working?

Hands to work with, legs to walk with and heart to love with?

Do you appreciate the fact that you love someone without expecting much in return?

Do you appreciate the fact that you get different options to eat, clothes to wear and clean water to drink?

Do you appreciate people who gave you birth and your ancestors who gave them lives?

Do you appreciate the fact that you are blessed with enough thoughts to keep you going for your survival and means to living?

Today if you find out that it’s your last day to live would you smile and look up to say thank you.

Would you appreciate for everything you are blessed with?

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