During times of upheaval, when revolting against the perils of darkness has insinuated wickedness, don’t succumb your conforming principles to uncertainty, abolish it; by seeking clarity and lucidity. Nothing is ever shaded, if it seems that way, simply remove the blindfold that has been impairing your good judgment.
Why must you ask? It’s simple...
Reason and good decision stands firm, it shines, radiates, never losing its morning luster. It doesn’t yield to ambivalence or shame.
For example:
"If given the chance, to dig for cobble stones by the roadside or become adorned by precious gems, which of the two would you choose?" It’s obvious to say gems, right? Of course... and what do gems emanate? "They originate clarity and lucidity."
Therefore ethics is a precious gem, proclaiming morals, and principles to practice it.