I was created a perfect square as white as the driven snow then life happened, and my reactions attracted all colours of the rainbow.
My birth white became a canvas and the colours just seem to spread, according to my thoughts and actions from baby blue to fiery red.
My shape was also changing, how self-conscious I became bumps and dips began to emerge, I would never again look the same.
One night I asked my creator "What is happening to me, I've lost my colour and my shape What could the reason be?"
"My child," he called to me, smiling "Feel guided by my hand, You're being shaped into the perfect puzzle piece to fit my perfect plan."
"The colours are an indication Of the purity of your soul Dark colours equal warning bells White should be your goal."
"Your shape is created by your reactions To life's lessons, good and bad The dips are times of accepted cautions The bumps reward good deeds, be glad."
"If you listen to my spirit, child And take the ordained shape, world peace will fit one more tile And leave the evil doer agape."