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Mission: Possible (Once Upon a Lifetime)

by Miles Patrick Yohnke

"Do you want your tombstone to read: 'here lies the problem' or 'here lies the solution'. Each of us can do great things. We get but one life. Let's make it one where we help others. We have to become more then we are."
- Miles Patrick Yohnke

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, requires you to read on.

In this parcel you will find one letter. Its contents are of an urgent nature. Essential to this mission and the contents of this letter is the recruitment of all civilization.


Once upon a lifetime. Once upon our lifetime a positive change could occur.

If we can broadcast positive news it will create positive change.

I am a Canadian writer. I have spent a large part of my adult life in the music industry here in Canada. I have witnessed much growth in our industry and the spread of it into other markets and countries.

How this occurred in part was by the CRTC. The CRTC refers to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission. The requirements that radio and television broadcasters (including cable and satellite specialty channels) must follow is that they must air a certain percentage of content that is at least partly written, produced, presented, or otherwise contributed to, by persons from Canada. It also refers to that content itself and more generally, to cultural and creative content that is Canadian in nature.

For music the requirements are referred to as the MAPL system. Following an extensive public hearing process organized by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the MAPL system (created by Stan Klees (whom is the co-creator of the Juno Awards) which are Canada's version of the Grammy Awards, was adopted as a way to define and identify Canadian content in pieces of music for the purpose of increasing exposure of Canadian music on Canadian radio through content regulations. These regulations governed a percentage (25%) of airplay was to be devoted to Canadian music. The percentage was increased to 30 per cent in the 1980s, and to 35 per cent since 1998.

What this did for artists and bands was that they could develop their craft in part by giving them an outlet for their product to be heard. From it they could tour (where the real money is at) our country. From this development in their craft over time, other countries would gain interest in them. Artists like Sarah McLachlan and Nickelback are a few that come to mind.

But there is far more to this. It has demonstrated that artists and musicians can make a living at home and abroad. It would spring board many acts from many genres of music such as Arcade Fire, Justin Bieber, Michael Bublé, Feist, Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne, Drake, Rush, Celine Dion, Diana Krall, Alanis Morissette, Bryan Adams and countless others. With regards to Nickelback and Sarah Mclachlan, these artists and musicians are at the forefront of their field. Selling millions and millions of recordings worldwide. Not bad for a country of just thirty-four million people!

What if we had positive news in place? Meaning that by law the broadcasters (radio, t.v., print) have to have a percentage of positive news to go along with what they do presently.

They could do a negative segment followed by a positive segment. Each city/town/community has many great people and organizations doing many great events. There are numerous positive and constructive stories one could report. Up-beat. Not beat-up.

When this occurs, people watching, listening or reading would be touched. Moved. Inspired. It would create positive effects on people and a mind shift would occur.

Then we could increase percentages. Can you imagine a world where 80 per cent or 100 per cent of the news you heard was "positive"? Can you imagine what this world would be like?

No reporting of war. No reporting of murder. No reports of bad deeds done by bad people. They wouldn't get their fifteen minutes of fame.

If they wanted attention they'd have to do something good in the world. Only then would they get reported or covered as it were.

Can you imagine a world like that?

Checkout aisles not covered with mindless crap, including gossip on Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Lindsay Lohan or whomever. Nothing but positive stories.

Can you imagine a world like that? Dare to read to the end of this article.

It's possible with what we have witnessed in Canada with so many artists breaking into the U.S. market and other countries.

The first time anything new is proposed it gets labeled. And the label put on these novel things is likely to be "risky" or "strange." You're going to walk on the moon? You and Wilbur are building what? Heavier-than-air flying machines? You Wright brothers are sure gullible! Or black and white children attending the same school?

So, how do we create this change?

One can start by sharing this story with others. Post it to your facebook, blog or other social networks.

Let your local broadcasters and news outlets know your feelings. That in part, they are responsible. If they care about humanity, then they'll start to change.

It's no fairytale. Once upon our time the world could embrace and celebrate the positive. A new dawn could be created. We become our surroundings, our environment. We create things and they create us. Let's create the positive.

Please don't let this letter self-destruct in your mind in five seconds. Carry it on!

Please share this story. Let's get it started. Let each of us dare to be bigger than ourselves.

By Miles Patrick Yohnke
© 2011 All Rights Reserved.

About the Author
Globally recognized and award-nominated engineer, producer, writer, poet and founder and C.E.O. of 5 Star Productions, Miles Patrick Yohnke brings many years of experience to the music industry; including many awards in sales and marketing. If you are looking at developing your career, Yohnke offers consulting in person, by phone or via email. For more info, please contact him directly at: 306.227.6379 or email at: miles(at)5-starproductions.com.

Comments for
Mission: Possible (Once Upon a Lifetime)

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Feb 21, 2011
by: Sylvia

You are very right. It's time we bring about the change we want to see in the world!

Feb 21, 2011
Mission Status: Accepted
by: Naomi Kapal

Title: Accountant
Location: Lae, Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea

Media has a great influence on how people feel and what they do. If the people who own television, radio stations, newspaper companies, etc, can change what they publish or broadcast from negative issues/stories like murder, rape, suicide, drugs, etc, to positive stories, then I think people will start doing good to themselves, each other, the environment, etc.

I get emotionally upset when I read stories about murder, rape, child abuse, violence against women, etc, because most of the news that our local papers publish deal with issues like this. All the bad things that happen. Not the positive side of things and the fact that there are people people out there doing good.

Celebrities can be bad examples. Young people copy what actors and singers do and they try to live like them. If an actor or singer is violent, kids can end up being violent as well. They become law breakers, drug addicts, etc, only because they think that it's okay for them to imitate what these celebrities are doing.

The onus is on all of us to help each other think positive and live a positive life. We each have the responsibility as citizens of this world to encourage each other in bad times to think positive and to lead positive lives for a better world.

Feb 21, 2011
Mission Status: Accepted
by: Monnica D Nyamande

Title: 2010 JCI Zimbabwe PR Director
Location: Zimbabwe, Africa

What if we had positive news in place? Yes, It is possible, we are the generation, I believe it starts with us, be it through positive story telling, good conduct, helping the need abstaining from drugs, disposing litter properly, the list is endless. This will go a long way in impacting our families, workmates, friends and communities, this active participation by us all will eventually lead to creation of positive change.

Feb 21, 2011
Mission Status: Accepted
by: Chiao Kee Lim

Title: Award Winning Author
Location: Melbourne, Australia

There is too much trash out there. In books, magazines, newspapers, and people are reading them and having all these negative thoughts burned into their subconscious mind. Almost all of them don't realise the type of destruction or toxicity it creates in their minds and their day-to-day thinking and action. And people wonder why there is so much violence in this world. So much deceit. So much poverty. I'm with you on this, Miles. 100%.

Feb 21, 2011
Mission Status: Accepted
by: Gary Braithwaite

Title: farmer, cattler and businessman
Location: Landis, Saskatchewan

It really can be the start. I don't even listen to the crap news (Canadian rated air play of the News). Depression I don't need. I have witnessed and have learned one thing in nature from overcrowding and the unhappiness of the simple 'rat'. That is the four legged critter under the old bins we used to have in the back lot. When things were stressed for food and space, the rat simply took things too seriously and began eating the smaller rats (Darwinian theory prevails). The larger more aggressive and meaner rats won and thus with just a few left, the normal population returned. Why do we like to think like this low life?

The news sends out a team the other day and they sat on the side of a snowy highway to watch a car being ripped apart to see if they could extract the body in one piece. What the hell is this world coming to? To not give that person's remains and their family some kind of compassion and respect? The audience and customer is supposed to be the spirit behind all this consummation of media. Why be like the unhappy rats gnawing at each other? I don't need that cheap gossip, that cheap fact, that cheap attitude towards our life. Our collective lives. Cheap is from that low, 'less than me' thinking.

The rat mentality. We are above this and it is time to demonstrate we are above it. Remember the saying pertaining to our mind and all else we do. If you feed it crap in, then you can't expect anything but crap out. It's a simple truth. Carry this forward. Positive, not negative. Rats we are not. Mission accepted.

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