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Never Forgotten - Visitor's Loss Poem

by Chantae Bastow

You were there for me
I was there for you
Now you are gone I don't know what I will do
It seems the world is moving so fast
Now that you have passed
You are well known for who you are
More known for what you do
They would love to grow up to be just like you
My heart aches because I will see you never
Now that you have gone forever.

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Never Forgotten - Visitor's Loss Poem

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Apr 26, 2012
One year on
by: the author

Joel it has been a year since you were gone. I miss you so much... I love you Joel xoxo

Jun 20, 2011
by: chantae

Ever since he was killed I haven't felt like my life is ok. I feel I am dead and he's alive...

Jun 10, 2011
by: ur mum xx

Awesome Poem tae, you are quite talented.

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