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Nothing There For Me - Visitor's Letting Go Love Poem

by Vickie L Smith
(Henderson, West Virginia, USA)

There was a man I dated fifteen years ago.
He gave me a diamond ring and one single red rose.
I guess this was his way of showing me love I suppose.
But then again in my heart I really do not know.
For he would leave me home all alone.
Said he had business to take care of out on the road.
I would sat and wonder where he might be.
'Cause he would never call you see.
He would show back up in a week or two
with hugs and kisses and I love only you.
He would always treat me like a queen when he got back you see.
Told me I was his sweet cup of tea.
But in my heart I really do not know you see.
Then once again he would up and leave.
Then once again I was lonely.
Where was he going I do not know.
He never told me I guess he did not want me to know.
So I packed up my few belongings I was ready to go.
There was no reason for me to stay in this big old house all alone.
So I left him a note and said thanks for the fun times we shared.
But you're never here with me and this has made my heart very sad.
You're a kind-hearted man and I know you would do almost anything for me.
But I guess your heart doesn't only belong to me.
It is with your wife and children.
So you need to set me free.
'Cause in this kind of relationship I cannot breathe.
And this really breaks my heart.
'Cause this is the way it has to be.
For I know in my heart you will never fully belong to me.

So I am in my car driving away never to look back.
'Cause there was just nothing there for me in that big two-story house.
Just a few memories we once shared.
But there was all that sadness there.
And that's one thing my heart could not bare.
My heart needed love not sadness there.
My heart needed laughter not pain.
My heart needed sunshine not rain.
My heart needed a rainbow and a place for roses to bloom.
I thought my heart once needed you.
Then I realized my heart just needed to be loved.
My heart needed the moon and the stars above.
Now in my heart there is laughter.
There is no pain.
There's sunshine in my heart now no rain.
There's a rainbow in my heart now where roses always bloom.
And now I realize my heart never needed you.
You see you left me a long time ago.
At that big two-story house all alone.
You always had business to take care of out on the road.
I would sat and wonder where you would be.
'Cause you would never call me.
Then you would show up in a week or two
with hugs and kisses I love only you.
You would always treat me like a queen.
Told me I was your sweet cup of tea.
Then once again you would up and leave.
Then once again I was lonely.
Now babe I know your heart never belong to me.
It's always been with your wife and children which is fine by me.
So you need to set me free.
'Cause with this kind of relationship babe I cannot breathe.
This really breaks my heart because this is the way it has to be.
I know in my heart babe your never belong with me.
So I got into my car and drove away.
Never to look back.
'Cause babe there was just nothing there for me in that big two-story house.
No babe there was just nothing there for me.
In that big old two-story house.

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