by Richard John Scarr
(Brighton, East Sussex, England)
It takes but a moment in a busy day, to send up a healing prayer. For all those unfortunate people. In need of some loving care.
Let us ask healing spirit to help them. And to send them upliftment and love. And the prayer that we send will be answered. By those kindly souls listening above.
The kind thoughts or words we send them. Will not be uttered in vain. And the compassion and kindness we show them. Will be repaid to us again and again.
The pain or misfortune that ails them. Is not one of which they would choose. And there but for the grace of God, we could be walking in their shoes.
So let's send them our love and best wishes. When we have but a moment to spare. For who knows, the day may be coming. When we too are in need of a prayer.