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Short Poems
by Charles Casha


Charles Casha was born in Malta on the 21st September, 1943. He was a teacher in the State Primary and Secondary Schools for 43 years until he retired in 2004. He also carried duties as a school librarian for over 20 years.

He has published 45 books in Maltese since his first publication in 1968. The humorous stories about a character he created called Fra Mudest (Brother Mudest ), appeared in four separate books and fifth one is to be on the market in September to commemorate the 40 years since the first story about Fra Mudest appeared in the children's magazine on the 10th April, 1967. These stories are still being read. For more information kindly visit the website: charlescasha.com.

Never Say Die

When clouds are grey
and thunder roars,
when angry seas
sweep on the shores,
think of blue skies
and rainbows too
until the day
the sun breaks through
the angry clouds.
And its bright rays
your heart enshrouds
to give you strength
to start anew
and with new hopes
your dreams pursue.

Tahnina Poem by Charles Casha

Below is an English translation of the above Maltese poem "Tahnina" by Charles which appears on a postcard.

A Lullaby

In the bay the boats danced
A lullaby, in the evening
Accompanied by the waves
Happily rocking under a shining moon.

From the high cliffs above
I was enchanted by these dancers
While the tolling of the bell
Broke the stillness of the evening.

And I longed to be once more
Cuddled like a new born
And fall into a sweet slumber
In the arms of poetry

A Nurse's Prayer

Above is a poster with a poem entitled "A Nurse's prayer". Charles has great admiration for nurses and their vocation. He wrote this poem after having spent two days at the hospital in February 2008 for a minor operation.

This poster is being distributed in the Malta hospitals and clinics, where Charles hopes that the nurses on duty will find time to read this prayer and dedicate themselves to their noble work.

As the poem is in Maltese, you'll find a copy of its English translation by Tanja Cilia right below.

A Nurse’s Prayer

Today, Lord, grant me
The sagacity, courage, and proficiency
To carry out my duties well
And not to find it difficult

To do all that I can
To alleviate the distress
Of all those who are ill
And longing for a cure.

I ask for Your support, Lord
That my work may yield fruit
And I will bring hope
To the heart of the ailing.

My lips speak words of comfort
To soothe the weary heart
In my eyes, a gentle look that speaks
With compassion and empathy.

Make my hands ever gentle,
That with them I will assist the sick
And fill my heart with love and kindness
To support their every effort.

Grant me fortitude and patience
When sighs of suffering surround me
So that, with a consoling smile
I will inspire hearts to tranquillity.

A Child is Born

Short Poems

A child is born,
a flower blooms
and life returns anew.

A smile
is like a gust of wind
that blows away
cruel moments of sadness from our hearts.

Don't clip my wings
but let me fly
to meet the very end of nowhere.

Oh gentle breeze
be kind to me
and dry my tears away.

Reaching out for love
in the darkness of despair,
my heart leapt with joy.

Tall buildings surround me
and their shadows engulf me.
Breathless, I try to escape
to find refuge in the open sea.

The angry waves
swept ashore
to swallow my dreams
as I waited in vain.

The boats in the harbour
danced a lullaby
while my heart yearned for peace.

The sea washed away
our footprints in the sand
as we walked alone
in the moonlit bay
silently, hand in hand
on a summer night.
Across the bay
a path of light paved the way
from here to eternity.

Two lovers kiss,
embraced by the autumn breeze
as the red rays of the setting sun
peep through the leafless branches of the lovers' tree.

Why should I shed tears
over dreams forgotten
when hope looms on the horizon?

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