The Crystal Butterfly - Visitor's Story
by Grace Newman
(Columbus, Ohio, USA)
I am but a single entity. I have but one single soul.
Yet through time and space, I have reincarnated through many ages, many times, and many dimensions. Each life is very vital and of such short duration in this cosmic universe. There is always the constant pulsating of atoms, vibrations and most of all light.
Through the many spheres of time, if you look into the vastness, you will see the little light and recognize it - my light. We are all a part of this one universe and we are all pulsating through our vibrations, touching each soul we have encountered. One thing to remember, we have all been together before.
The metamorphosis of life is a constant changing of form in such a very short time. Life on this physical plane is as quick as the blinking of an eye.
We might compare it to one of the smallest of creatures, a caterpillar. Of course, the caterpillar, not heralded with spectacular beauty, is the metamorphosis of the butterfly. The caterpillar spends its life feeding and the larger it gets, it sheds its skin through a process we know as instar, the various stages where the most important goal is rest to this fragile insect.
As we take our daily walk through centuries untold, we also feed like the caterpillar. Feeding is self-preservation to our human forms. With the human being, there is also a constant changing of form from infancy through however many years we may have on the earth plane. As the caterpillar, we also have to protect ourselves from the forces around us or perish. As the caterpillar hides to be protected from prey, the human being does the same thing and many times hides the beautiful etheric light in the process. Self-preservation, no matter what the cost, is now and has always been a main priority of self.
With a caterpillar, an egg can hatch in five to ten days. Ten to fifteen days later an adult butterfly emerges - a metamorphosis of a simple insect to the delicate butterfly. On emerging from the cocoon, the butterfly is about perfect except for expanding its wings. The wings are pumped up, which the butterfly does by forcing fluid into them from the body. One half hour later, the wings are fully developed and in another half hour the wings are dry. The butterfly is ready to fly. Its purpose is to have a whole new life cycle time after time again.
Every cocoon is a re-birth-a waiting to be born again. There was one very small insignificant butterfly born many centuries ago. It was very dauntless when born and had an imperfect wing to fly.
Its color was a dull whitish gray. At that time, it looked around at the beautiful butterflies with their awesome wing spans and colors and wished it could look like them. All the butterflies looked over at this poor little one and thought "I'm glad that isn't me."
The little butterfly tried flying and each time he flew with such hope only to flutter down to earth due to the imperfect wing. He tried and tried only to make one perfect flight. Despite his fortitude, the falls were always there. One day, perhaps two weeks later, he died. He died of a broken heart. His little heart had poor circulation and of course, extended the length of the body. After all the trying, he just gave up. With his last breath he said "I'll be waiting for my next silk cocoon."
After a seemingly short sleep, one day he awoke, all sensory nerves peaked, even though the darkness was total like a baby in a wound-re-birth into a new life. So many questions; "Will I be able to fly?" What are my colors?' Did I do wrong in giving up?"
The sunny, magical day came and second by second, again the little butterfly emerged from a split shell and climbed up a stalk where he would prepare to expand his wings. He looked around and then looked at himself - something was missing he thought. He was a little bigger in size. However, his colors were only a dull, muted orange and gray that were not very pretty and then depression set in. He thought, "What am I striving for where life after life it seems there is always something so disappointing." After a few hours he flew and the feeling was total abandonment. He felt that because now he could fly, others would find him acceptable and he would have alot of friends. He flew zig-zags and up and down. He flew in unheard of patterns, yet no one noticed. No one even seemed to care. The little butterfly looked around and once again fluttered to the ground and tucked his wings in and put his little face down. Only a single tear fell and he thought, "What am I doing wrong?" He could not research out the answer and again with the heavy weight of depression, let go of his very small life.
Again time unfolded and upon waking from his rest, he was in the soft warmth of another large cocoon. He mellowed in the warmth and thought how can I make this life different. He longed for beauty, longed for perfect wings although he forgot the most important thing of all: I am only a little butterfly but my heart and mind and soul belong to the universe. People will look at me and care for me even with a dull color and deformed wing, if I fly for them. If I can fly or even half fly, my determination, my free spirit, and my soul will shine through. I won't fly for myself. I will use and I will give what I have to others. We are all one anyway, so let one be as God intended and I will accept this for me for this is what He has given me.
The night went on and there was peace and rest upon the earth plane and the stars were shining very brightly. Looking down at this scene, there was one other little light pulsating. This was a light coming from a large cocoon on a stalk in the woods.
The cocoon kept breathing, glowing and pulsating until the dawn came. The sunlight was a vibrant golden white, as bright as one could imagine. However, looking at the little cocoon in the woods, the shell split and very slowly emerged a brilliant light in the form of a butterfly.
Slowly and very delicately the metamorphosis took place.
The light turned into prisms and was a spectrum of beauty like one had never seen. In turn, the prisms turned into crystal and all stood in awe of the metamorphosis of a crystal butterfly.
It has taken many cocoons, many lessons, and many lives for this miracle to take place. This little butterfly now flew with humility in rapture, for he was one with the universe. He once again fluttered to the ground and turned his small face towards the earth and tucked his wings under in thankfulness. After all, he was the same little soul as he was years ago and now it is time for this little butterfly to wait.
Wait for the next cocoon.