The mystery of love eludes my deepest thoughts. It surpasses the inner working of my mind I’ve figured, only the heart can reveal its greatest wonders. The heart has this unending capability to stretch to its different levels that love normally requires. Love remains the same, though the two change. Love sees with its own eyes, even if those eyes are blind. Love navigates its way through the darkness of a soul to the light of the Father. We hurt those we love, that’s when choices are tougher. Yet in still love conquers all. It’s so glorious, the Father Himself is love. To what some hardened may see as bondage, is in reality the warm embrace of the Father’s loving hug. One might say, “No way, this love is clearly from a person not the Father.” But aren’t His children a part of Him and He a part of His children? The heart can love to lengths, widths, and depths, to degrees only the Father knows. I guess that’s why my mind can’t wrap its reasonings, logics, or methods around it. So what now? We should not oppose love, Godly love; instead embrace the love that’s embracing us.