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The Prodigal Daughter - A True Story about Me - Visitor's Poem

by Jacquece T. Moore
(Maryland, USA)

It was her 18th birthday
She was now legally grown.
She wanted to leave and search the world
But was she really ready to leave home?
She packed up her belongings and without an education that would guide her far
She was still considered as a child in her parent's eyes.
Happily she left; sad thoughts never crossed her mind.

As she walked the streets of paradise
She thought this was freedom
But no one knew her nor did she have a way to achieve.
She always said that she would never do it because she was a church girl
But now it was too late
For it was easier to lay down with strangers than to confess her daily sins.

She felt stunned every time by his beating hits
Every time he would hit her she wanted to leave
But she was more afraid for her death that living with him was easier.
Trying to control her feelings, she was introduced to drinking
She felt better with this love because the love she first knew, she didn't really know
She heard of Him at church but she didn't want to accept
Now, it was her time to make an intelligent decision to find her first love
For this will be the test of her faith or will it be another of her emotional state?

Weeks went by, months, and years
She always was considered as a trouble maker--for this time it was true
For she always had her paradise but it never showed
Her secret sins were now out.
Church folks were either truly concerned or just wanted to gossip
Friends were gone because of her attitude
No one was with her except for her first love as she heard.

The countdown was final
It was bigger than a New Year's celebration
For Heaven stood quietly; praying for her to say yes
Three months seemed like forever
Will she stay or will she go home?
As she thought of how the judge never said "Guilty"
And the doctor never said that there were broken bones
She asked god, "Why me?"

Heaven again patiently waited as she thought about what she should do
Home seemed far away and so did being delivered
Home to her felt like a burden as she thought about her parent's rules
Did her paradise just seem logical or was the grass greener at home?
She felt cold in her spirit like the winter weather
Her face was dry with the tears that were gone
She felt like giving up but a voice of comfort came to her:

"I love you my child," the voice came to reassure her
"I am the TRUE love that you have been searching for," as the Deliverer continued.
Shocked by His soft loving voice, but thankful for another chance to hear it
As she remembered the last time she cursed at Him because of her hurting past
She listened to His voice--a peace came upon her
She felt loved.
The true kind that she didn't need to degrade herself for or do anything
It was unconditional--no one ever loved her more than HE

She was scared for her life and her family but she felt protected
She called her mom; the one she thought was the meanest person on earth
She didn't know if she would care
But to her amazement, her mother's voice was beautiful as a red rose
"I'll be on my way to come get you," her loving mother said.
But then she knew that she had to leave quickly before he finds out that she is gone
She wanted to embrace in her mother's arms as soon as she saw her
But time is ticking
She had to move fast to tell her story someday
Soon as they could, they cried on each other's shoulder.

Yes, her daughter was home and Heaven rejoiced!
For this was the child who was blinded by sin but now she can see.
But unfortunately, there are many more who have not confessed their sins
They may be a daughter or a son who is spiritually blind
Although some don't make it back.
Heaven waits for their answer
So if you are one of them--your time is up now!

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The Prodigal Daughter - A True Story about Me - Visitor's Poem

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Apr 10, 2012
My heart feels ripped to shreds
by: Ann

My story is very similar except that I was 38 with 2 children, a nurse, had my own home across the street from my parents, whom I was very close to. And for whatever reason, I still don't know these days, I became addicted to pain killers, then it escalated to heroin and crack cocaine. I lost everything, it destroyed my children and my parents.

I finally, after seven years of this mess, wanted the life I had back. I resolved all these terrible issues, confessed my sins and started to plant my two feet with my family again. I had a lot of hopes to spend time with my mother and daughter doing fun things together to make up for the time I lost with them. I knitted, my mother quilted and my daughter was bouncing through different activities to find her niche.

We would go to Lancaster Pa alot of times because my Mother enjoyed it so much. I eventually got an apartment in Lancaster County that my Mother really liked for me. I thought how much fun it would be to be with my Mother and Father and my son and daughter, living out here where they loved to be, and I could spend a lot of time with them. My Mother and myself and with my daughter, I thought would be doing alot of sightseeing, quilting, and knitting together.

I finally felt settled again and had peace in my life. No sooner did I move into the apartment, my Mother passes away suddenly. I can't understand this, was I not meant to have peace and happiness with my family again? I feel like it's gone forever. I see grief again in my father's eyes and it's tearing the heart out of my chest.

My mom was the heart of our family. She was a saint in my eyes, and I can be pretty sure in God's eyes too. She was a practicing Catholic, never faulted in her ways, and just a sweet kind woman, and the very best of a Mother and a wife. She was only 68. I feel so empty.

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