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To Fortitude

by Gnomai
(Paranaque City, Philippines)

As I once again gain the sight of you two,
smiles fill my empty space,
not to fear we continue with fortitude,
thankful for the many gifts, wisdom, beauty,
unique perspectives, dancing, singing, traveling around.

Keep your mind sharp for all around
we have many traces of good and bad faces,
all have reasons, season’s causes and effects,
leaving impressions in the sand, prints of recent or distant history.

Walk with fortitude, strength in your stride,
confidence and no fear to paralyze your thoughts or actions,
for each event that comes about we can perceive as we choose
no matter the amount of your desire and effort,
take the energies that bounce from the vortex of action
but don’t let it go to waste or feel that time was in haste,
use the momentum and convert to power your minds engine.

Moment by moment we think so quick the choice
is which direction to go?
Know that the power in our head will take us where we see fit,
positive unclenched by setbacks, delays or miscalculations,
not to worry take that same actions and convert to drive you
towards the piece of the puzzle we call life.

Let not any entity, experience good or bad color
the flavors of your goals and desires,
for they are yours which cannot be denied,
no matter who says otherwise.

For when we are self-appointed wisdom seekers
we choose the outcome to our own life story,
with fortitude for two we deal with the collective experiences with ease,
it is up to the very moment the message is delivered
and how we guide those energies, convert to your own passion,
you control that only the master in the mirror.

Wisdom is like the weather sometimes sunny,
maybe funny, rainy or a bit dull and hazy,
we must look past the moment and seize the forward motion fixed on internal bliss.

Never easy always present sitting on the shelf waiting for its turn to be the center of attention,
for we must stay in touch with our character not succumb to the emotions that drift in.


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