by Richard John Scarr
(Brighton, East Sussex, England)
What is truth? And how can we trust it? Truth can change as time passes by. What today is considered the truth. May tomorrow be proved just a lie.
Truth is a fickle mistress. Because she is relevant to time. And like any contrary woman. She so often changes her mind.
"The Earth," the Catholics once told us. "Is the pivot for the Sun to girate." "No! It's the Sun!" insisted Copernicus. "Round which the Earth must rotate!"
"He is right!" announced Galileo. And was caught up in trouble and strife. Enraging the Catholic Inquisition. Who locked the poor chap up for life.
Then Bruno, the Italian Thinker. Told the Catholics their theory was fake. For which they declared him a heretic. Then burned him to death at the stake.
Physicians and Surgeons at one time. Thought "Bleeding" a cure for all. "Trust me for I am a doctor!" "Whoops! Give the undertaker a call!"
As scholars they must be infallible! You can tell by their scholarly chat. But it was also some scholarly fellows. Who once said the Earth Plain was flat!
Sometimes the things that are taught us. Are not always quite what they seem. For truth, superceded by knowledge. Can often be turned on its beam.