I never was what I am today. I never knew that YOU, had this power to change a person.
Why was I so angry when I first heard of your existence. Someone, who is coming... from me - to me - to my life Someone who is coming to take away my freedom and youth.. is what I thought. And for all those fears that could be pronounced in just one word - anger.
When you came, a new day A fresh beginning. A new perspective towards life. A chance to start my life once again, read, sing, dance and play. With you I begin to live my childhood once again. With you I learnt the meaning of tolerance and patience. With you I understood the word unconditional love. With you I began to understand my own parents. With you I gave life a second chance - and every relationship that I left half way through I gave myself a second chance.
It's You who gave me a second chance.
I gave birth to you, but it's You who gave birth to the woman in me.
My daughter - I named you Bella You are beautiful, You are the Angel gifted from God to me.
I can never Thank God enough for the gift of YOU beautiful Bella.
Comments for
Your Name is Beautiful - Visitor's Poem
THankyou so much, i surely will add alot more. Have so much to share. Till then much love. Bento.
Jun 29, 2010
Sweet poem by: Fion
Hi Bento, thanks so much for sharing this lovely poem about the arrival of your beautiful baby girl who transformed your life. You've shared with us the feelings and emotions of being a new mother. Sweet!